Sunday, September 29, 2013

Rate Your System II

1) Go to Control panel
and click on system and security.
2) Then check the Windows Experience Index.
3) your system could be already rated, but if not click rate my system, you need a permission form the system to run this, Click this only if you are the administrator/owner of the computer. NOTE: It's strongly recommended to close any other applications before running this program, this may cause the system to overheat.

After the process is complete, some numbers should come up, these numbers mean that what are the capability and how well can your system can handle programs. The higher the score is the better/smoother your system can run. Base score, which is your minimum Subscore, determines what is the maximum performance that you system could do, always purchase applications with lower score than base score. If your score is 1.5~2.7 you should be fine running basic features, but for more features you will probably need a score of 3.5 or higher; I personally recommend purchase computers with a score of 4.0 or higher. 
Note:If you already have run the test, there is no other need to re-run the assessment unless you have changed some important parts of your computer.

Now that you know  your score, let's see how you can know what an application minimum and recommended requirement is. I'm going to go to start menu> Games>and click your specified game one-click ONLY, now click the Performance icon and compare the ratings. If your application is a copied form, the ratings may not show up.
For previous chapter click here.
**This is post is only about a way to detect your computes capability, there are other ways to detect, by knowing your RAM, Processor,Video card and more, the information above may not be completely accurate, for more information contact a professional.**

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Rate your computer. Vista/7

Lets backup from making better performance for a while. Lets say you have an outstanding computer abilities, but you don't know it! With knowing what abilities your computer you could hold you can know what games/applications to run. To run these programs smoothly you need to have four great-quality items. CPU whee how fast your computer could calculate per second. low cpu leads to overheating  computer and may damage the system. RAM Which holds the memory of all application running at that time, Video card to run games smoothly, low quietly video cards cannot even load graphic consuming games, and last but not least, at least 100GB of hard drive. if your computer is less than 15% free, the system might become corrupt and loss some of its data, For more info about these devices click here. There is an program pre-installed on your windows WEI which cam determines your computers performance on programs.
      To start rating your system, go to control panel > system and security> view amount of of ram and processor speed and click on windows experience/ or rate my system. You might need to be the administrator of the computer. Do Not try this at public computers. This  could take about 3~5 minutes and could be a heavy process, so do not run any other applications while this is processing. You should get a score of your computes performance. Your score will be determined by the lowest of them(meaning thats the maximum quality that your computer could hold) And will be known as Subscore.

  • There will be a lot of differences between the WEI in Windows Vista and Windows 7, but you can still use the score as a guideline for upgrading. When reviewing your score, keep these things in mind:
    • If your overall WEI score is 2.0 or higher, you should be able to run Windows 7 reasonably well — although Glass will turn on only if the score is higher.
      You need a considerably higher score if you’re going to use the PC for heavy graphics or gaming. But a 2.0 is fine for Web browsing, light word processing, and the like.
  • If your Graphics score (the one marked Desktop Performance for Windows Aero) is 3.0 or higher, Windows 7 will turn on its Glass interface.
  • When you want to play games always look at the minimum and the recommended  scoring of it. If it's lower than your subs-core you are allowed to play, otherwise your system cannot load the game.

So now that we know what your system could do, we can now change the setting on your computer to run games better or have a smoother performance, but we will start with better quality then perofmance. To Continue click here.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Private links and Overview

There are some pages that are hidden and only accessible through links; you might miss them thinking they are another website; video tutorials are primarily in private links, so if the link stated it's going to show more info(Visual) then it's probably part of "Virtual World's" blog, unless otherwise stated. To access of all of the links, click here to continue!

           Another topic to cover is about "Blog Overview", B.O. page talks about different updates/Version that occurred to this blog, and visitors have a basic idea of what has been updated. If they don't like it, they can ask the owner to change or remove it. The layout of that page has been more organized and more advanced. Feel free to visit there anytime you want. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Drive Clean Up!

What's up guys, M.E. here. Last time I've talked about How to sort out your drive components, defragmentation, and this time I'm going to show how to clean up your drive, and get rid of unnecessary files! For Video Tutorial Click here!

          Disk Clean up, as shown above, scans trough computer and collects any unnecessary or unused file, so it might be a useful program to clean some mega/giga-bytes of file up.
         To Start you need administrative permission to continue. If you are at public computer or a user at home PC, it's recommended to do NOT run this task unless you have the permission to do so.

  1. To start go to start menu, Control Panel, system and security, administrative tools, and you should see a link named "free up disk space"
  2. Run the program, depending on your computer this will take about 1~4 minutes.
  3. After the process is complete, check/uncheck the folders that you wish to be removed. I will be explaining each shortly:
  • Temporary files must be deleted if you constantly using file sharing web site, or infected sites. If else they are good to stay. 
  • Game statics are records of your score and the level you are, delete this if you want to reset the scores or if you REALLY need space ( They are usually KB in weight).
  • Recycle been can be deleted manually, only check this box if you know what is in recycle been and you want to remove it.
  • Temporary files are safe to delete, is they are not modified within a week.
  • Thumbnails- Windows obtains a copy of the image/music/video when it has been opened, this makes the system easier to load the file. If you remove this, eventually, windows will restore files later as you open media/ ect. It's only recommended that you had large amounts of media deleted, so there is no use for the computer to store the.( this will free 20kb~1GB of space). 
  • The rest are either created by windows/ or is not visible to most of the computers, normally there is description under each subject. check them Wisely and under your own responsibility!   
     4.    After checking the boxes click remove files!
    Own  Xp? Click Here

    More Info on files:
    • Temporary Setup Files - These are files that were created by a Setup program that is no longer running.
    • Downloaded Program Files - Downloaded program files are ActiveX controls and Java programs that are downloaded automatically from the Internet when you view certain pages. These files are temporarily stored in the Downloaded Program Files folder on the hard disk. This option includes a View Files button so that you can see the files before Disk Cleanup removes them. The button opens the C:\Winnt\Downloaded Program Files folder.
    • Temporary Internet Files - The Temporary Internet Files folder contains Web pages that are stored on your hard disk for quick viewing. Disk Cleanup removes these page but leaves your personalized settings for Web pages intact. This option also includes a View Files button, which opens the C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5 folder.
    • Old Chkdsk Files - When Chkdsk checks a disk for errors, Chkdsk might save lost file fragments as files in the root folder on the disk. These files are unnecessary.
    • Recycle Bin - The Recycle Bin contains files that you have deleted from the computer. These files are not permanently removed until you empty the Recycle Bin. This option includes a View Files button that opens the Recycle Bin.
    • Temporary Files - Programs sometimes store temporary information in a Temp folder. Before a program quits, the program usually deletes this information. You can safely delete temporary files that have not been modified within the last week.
    • Temporary Offline Files - Temporary offline files are local copies of recently used network files. These files are automatically cached so that you can use them after you disconnect from the network. A View Files button opens the Offline Files folder.
    • Offline Files - Offline files are local copies of network files that you specifically want to have available offline so that you can use them after you disconnect from the network. A View Files button opens the Offline Files folder.
    • Compress Old Files - Windows can compress files that you have not used recently. Compressing files saves disk space, but you can still use the files. No files are deleted. Because files are compressed at different rates, the displayed amount of disk space that you will gain is approximate. An Options button permits you to specify the number of days to wait before Disk Cleanup compresses an unused file.
    • Catalog Files for the Content Indexer - The Indexing service speeds up and improves file searches by maintaining an index of the files that are on the disk. These Catalog files remain from a previous indexing operation and can be deleted safely.

    Friday, September 20, 2013


          Have your computer ever gotten to the point that it just so slow, that it takes years to just load a file? 

    There are many ways to improve your computer's speed, but we'll just start off of, de-fragmentation.  Imagine that you moved into a new empty apartment. You buy stuff for the apartment, furniture, utensils, food, etc. But every time you buy something, you move it all in the living room until the living room is full. Then you move new stuff into the kitchen, and when full, move new stuff into the bedroom. If you're hungry, you may have to go to the living searching for food and sometimes the bedroom. You might have to search for spices in the bathroom. Nothing is organized. When you defragment, you organize the apartment so that the food items are all in the kitchen, TV and electronics in the living room, etc. Next time you need to make food, everything will be in the kitchen, close to you; no searching around and no extra walking around to other rooms. You can imagine that each room in your apartment is a computer program. It'll run quicker if all the pieces of the program is next to each other, not spread out across your hard drive. To start go to This page.
    For some reason the quality is low, next time I will upload directly from YouTube. Sorry for the voice, it was First commentary!

    Need more Help? Click here to continue.

    Do not have windows? Apple users click here

    Thursday, September 12, 2013

    What is a Malware?

    Hello Again, as promised today we are going to get familiar with general online concepts, and how do they work!

    • There are many useful programs on the internet, but not all are suitable or good for your computer. Every day millions of new malwares are released into the internet,  and many of them can attack your device if you are not careful online!
    • There are many types of malwares: Viruses, bots, worms, spywares,adwares,exploits,trojan-viruses and ect.
    What are they?                                                                             
             Viruses are the most causes of infection, and your computer can be infected easily if your device is not updated and/or you do not have a full version up-to-date anti-virus(Get free trial Here (norton) ). Viruses do replicate, but they  do not spread from a device to another.
             Worms on the other hand do spread automatically, and have same characteristic as viruses.
             Trojans are viruses that do not replicate. They usually come hidden with another file, they are deadlier and more dangerous because they can create back doors(your device being monitored) and steal your information. 
    spywares are bots that monitor/record system actions, same as trojan but harder to remove(requierrs anti spyware program.
      Is Your computer infected with spyware? click Here!

    How to stay away?
    1. purchase an anti virus + anti spyware(recommended)  or  download free trials of it.
    2. do not open unknown or suspicious attachments(E-mail).
    3. Do NOT click on unknown java updates on internet.
    4. Do not download peer to peer on file sharing sites, use peer block!
    5. update browsers/device regularly.

    Wednesday, September 4, 2013

    What's it all it about?!

    The Virtual World
    Are you tired of spammed by viruses and ads every day, is your PC infected with Virus? If you answered yes to any of those questions this blog might be the 'one' you are looking for. Even if you answered no, you are still welcomed to explore this blog, and learn tons of cool stuff!
    • The Blog will be different than those Blogs that just give you facts and facts about on only "one" subject. 
    • But here  you will be informed about how to stay away from, hackers, online thefts, spyware, viruses and tons of more! You will also know what to do when you come in contact with these nasty malwares!
    • So With your knowledge, and this blogs tips, tutorials, you can be safe on the internet almost 90%* of the time!
    So At the conclusion, you know get tons of fun facts about computers and the internet, you run your Computer faster, and know how to make your, Computer is absolutely Clean!

      • To get more information Click the link here to continue.
      • You can Also go to this website and learn about basic of computer languages and much more information!

      * Restriction may apply. May not be the same result for all the users.