Tuesday, December 31, 2013

S II, Internet Security II

The second section of tips about internet safety, for first part go to I.S.I
  • This tip is most likely familiar,how ever is important to review, when you see an ad that ells you "you've won something huge! 1000th visitor!!!",  yea it's probably a scam. Never fill out your information about the sites you don't know; remember 'is it too good to be free?'
  • Use ad-block software when interfering with unknown sites, especially sites with ads that deliver potentially infected script. They can save you from annoying pop ups, and may protect you from fake link address. However it's not recommenced to use such program regularly for '.com'  websites such as YouTube, if you do they lose money and in long term, their site would not be free anymore.  If you are using chrome go to Google Store and search for your desired program. 
  • And lastly this covers social networking sites; There are lots of spams growing either by "free-ware" or a scare-ware.
    Most of them is like the the fact above, or/and a message from a friend that has an infected browser, which they give you a link that's tempting to click on, most of them will be a harmful cookie installed in your browser, which takes control of your entire social networking account. Always ask them if they sent that link.

Thursday, December 26, 2013


This is the first Pro Versus Con blog post; today's subject is on 'Revo Uninstaller', and Windows based Control Panel uninstaller.

  1. Built in Application 
    • Windows
  • Windows has its application compatible with all of its system of course meaning all 64/32 bit operating systems.It has been pre-installed on every windows operating system; so you don't have to worry about downloading and installing.
  • The applications costs nothing and it is absolutely free.
    • Revo 
  • Revo uninstaller could be downloaded from the internet, it's fast and easy, the application wights about 6~7 mega-bytes. The application  is compatible with All 64/32 bit systems of Windows XP, Vista, 7 and windows 8 system; so if you have an older version or a system not listed above, this program doesn't work for you.
  • The applications comes with free and Pro mode. Free mode restricted.
Winner 1:  Windows 

        2. Application  processing and features 
    • Windows
  • The program loads application quickly, with basic detailed information about the programs. Using the program does not use much of systems resources; The program lists at least 98% the applications installed on your system. 
  • Even though it  shows most if not all of the installed applications, it does not display all of the components, i.e. version or the weight of the application. The program only removes the built in mode of the selected application, meaning only what has been installed would be taken away, all of the other remaining folders, registry files, and extra parts of the application will stay, like temp folders. 
    • Revo
  • The application is more detailed about the information about the installed programs. It also comes with four modes, with moderate being as default; built in at top which is same process as windows based. As you go down the applications' scan would go more in depth. It also has hunter and burn mode where you  could drag folders to be uninstalled. All of these features are included in free mode.
  • Unlike windows uninstaller, this uses more system resource, especially on deep scans, it takes longer to load up, and it lists about 95% of applications, so some of the has to be uninstalled with windows.
Winner 2: Revo.U
Revo modes

  3. After math - Revo

  • Though Revo uses more systems capacity, it's definitely worth it to try the application, if you install programs daily, and maybe want to uninstall them, then it's recommended to try revo. It saves you at least GB of hard drive or in some cases, including me, 5 or more GB. Personally i recommend this program because, you can get rid of annoying ad-wares and potentially spywares off your computer.
Got a suggestion or a comment?  put down your thoughts at P.V.C

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Pro VS Con!

Have you ever wondered and had to choose one of two given programs of softwares to you? Was it ever difficult to make the right choice and not regret it afterwards? Well a new feature has been added  to this blog, similar to  Cool gadgets and programs, but it compares two software or operating system and gives all of the pros and cons about it; it could be a P.V.C for one software also. If you ever had any confusion or question about any softwares put it down the comment section in P.V.C page and it will be processed shortly. However, each week minimal, a random P.V.C will be added to our collection.

  • What could we compare?
    • We Mainly post comparison about softwares and programs. browsers, computers specs and games will all be accepted.
  • What don't we compare?
    • We don't take requests such as sites and or anything not listed above.

We will try our best to process your request as fast as we can!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Security II, Internet Security I

Your browser is hopefully is at its best security and performance level; which is a really great start, but having a secure browser is much different to be safe at what you're doing on the internet.
Anti Virus program is not enough for your protection; you do need anti-spyware and internet security program since majority of your work is being done online. A great program can be purchased or be download as a demo-ware from Norton Website; it also comes with a gadget that gives you all of the sites reputation and protects you from unknown, and potentially harmful scripts. 

Having an anti-spyware/adware is only part of being protected; it's  really based upon your actions that if your system becomes a infected victim or not. Here's some tips of basic that can  help you for a kick-start:
  • There are plenty of Java update fake ware through out the internet, most likely in illegal sites. Do not install them; your computer it self notifies you if there's any update not a random site on the internet. Installing them can be a result of exploit and a backdoor system will be installed in your computer.
  • When you're downloading a program from a third party site, there are probably many adds telling you to download here, but there are most likely a scam, which could bombard you with tons of ads. The Download link is likely a direct link in these sites, than a huge button telling you to click here.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Cool Gadget and programs II

Your computer is running at its best, but you can add some gadgets and simple applications to make your life even easier.

  •  Do you like to work with photo editor softwares like Adobe Photoshop but don't have the money to obtain one? Does windows paint seems to basic and useless for complex tasks? well you can download several free photo-editing softwares, but the best one to download is P.E. which is absolutely free and safe to use; it's much more complex than normal Microsoft paint but not as advanced as paid programs such as Photoshop.

  • We all love to record our audio, but how can we change its format to .mp3?  You can download a free trial NCH application which transforms any known audio extension to your desired extension. 

Thursday, November 28, 2013

1500 Milestone!

Greetings, This Blog [virtual world] has reached 1500 views after  fourth month since  its launch. I have come to thank you all for your support, specially the 50 followers on my Blog. And to say happy Thanksgiving. Shortly I will Post 'Cool Gadgets and programs II' for 1500 Mile stone bonus. Happy Browsing!

Friday, November 22, 2013


Greetings, lets set aside for a moment from all of these technological world and lets look at some natural-looking pictures. I've launched another Blog, which, the posts will be about the pictures I've drawn with Photo Shop CS6 with a portable pen tool + hand drawn on a separate tablet in Digital Design class. I would like you to take your time and look at these photos. URL
Misty mountain 


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Security I, Browsers II

Have you even noticed that why some toolbars/ ad-wares/ pop-ups added to your computer, without even you knowing it that you had installed any of these? Or your search engine/ homepage is moved to a different address? This is a common problem for many internet users, most of these are just annoying, but some of them are spy-wares that tracks every sites that you are visiting and gathers all of your personal information such as Credit-card number. The average time that a computer ,without safe system, survives online is about 4 minutes, then it's in the hand of hackers and viruses. It's pretty wild out there!

  • What's the cause of these problem?
    • Many of these excessive applications come from unnecessary programs and or viruses and trojan back-doors. Or you had installed an application and didn't read their terms of service and/or paid attention to  their "extra features".
  • How Could you stop them?
    • ALWAYS read the checkboxes on installation app.  uncheck the boxes that are unnecessary, it's ok to cancel an side agreement, it doesn't affect your installation, even if does you can re-luanch the app, it's better than to reset your computer- especially browsers settings back to normal
    • Change your homepage to something secure, like Google/Ask.com/Yahoo/Bing, every now and then check your search engine, you don't want your information transmitted to third party programs.
    • delete web extension that you don't know that you have installed.
    • Uninstall the applications from your commuter; it is recommended to Install Revo-Unistaller, that program doesn't just remove the base application, but it also scans all of your computer for any information and files related to your desierd application for uninstallation.
    • Download safe. nothing good comes out of free[pirated] application, always ask"is it too good to be free?"

Happy Browsing!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Security I, Browsers.

Now that you know all the types of malware, and what could be the symptoms of it, you are ready to be protected from those programs.
First of all before going into purchasing any anti-virus software, you have to know how to protect your self first and block all of the exploits, because anti-Malware is not enough!

If you are a windows user, especially Internet explorer, go to their browser settings and change the security features to high, for unknown sites, this way unauthorized programs will not run automatically. Plus this will affect all of your browsers since I.E is the main browser in Windows. Then go to your own default browsers ,like chrome, and chose your own customized settings. If you normally go to sites with lots of suspicious activity, like bit torrent websites , than it's the best for you to have this settings adjusted to high.
What Else is Recommended?
  • If you are tired of undying pop-ups, then install ad-blocker on your browsers, not recommended for .Com sites, but useful to be protected against harmful script pop-ups.
  • Update your browser, old versions are more likely to be attacked/hacked than up-to-date system and browsers. 
  • NEVER make a C# or C++ browser and use it as the default one. It's like swim in a lake full of alligators. You will be attacked within seconds. I've tired it it wasn't fun. It's okay to make one, but not to use it as default , you can learn to make one at H&L.
  • Remove any toolbar that you don't recognize, they are most likely to be to be Spywares.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Friday, November 8, 2013

Malware symptoms

If you suspect your computer has a virus, it's important to find out if you actually have one or determine if it's some other problem. There are tell-tale signs that can indicate whether or not you have a virus. Look and listen to see if you regularly have the following types of issues; then, you can resolve your virus if you have one and get your computer back to good health. If you don't have these types of problems, consider other troubleshooting options. To know what types of Malware there are, click here.

  • 1
    Look for obvious changes. Look to see if there are any changes to your desktop, your favorites or in the way your computer acts in general. If your desktop icons have moved around or if anything has been added to your desktop, this is a sign you have a virus. Look in the "Add/Remove Programs" section in Control Panel and see if there are any programs that you don't remember installing. Often a virus will install other programs that will cause problems. If you have a new toolbar in your web browser, this is another sign that you may have a virus.

  • 2
    Disconnect from the Internet. If your computer acts differently when you are connected to the Internet, that is another sign you have a virus. One of the chief purposes of many viruses is to steal your computer resources. When you're not online, someone on the other end isn't able to get to your resources.

  • 3
    Check your speed. One of the key ways to know if you have a virus is if your computer is running slower. Sometimes the computer will run just a little bit slower, but after having a virus for some time the computer will become extremely slow in everything it does. Disconnecting from the Internet may speed your computer up, but with malicious viruses it may not matter whether or not you are connected to the Internet--the virus will use your resources just to cause you problems.

  • 4
    Beware of errors. If you are getting strange errors or just more errors that do things like close your programs or cause you to restart your computer, there's a good chance you have a virus. Sometimes errors are normal, but they shouldn't happen constantly. Keep a log of when you get errors, what you were doing when it happened and how bad the error was.

  • 5
    Listen for noise. If your computer is making a lot of crunching noises accessing the hard drive when you aren't doing anything, then it's likely being controlled by a virus or someone who set up the virus. Most of the time when you're not using your computer it shouldn't be doing anything.

  • 6
    Inspect your security software. Check to see if your virus software, firewall or Windows updates have been changed or disabled. If you have security but it's not up-to-date or not quite good enough, a virus will disable the software to give itself and other viruses more access. For free Anti Viruses, click here.

  • Tuesday, November 5, 2013

    Security Basics

    Your computer is running at its best, but is it safe? You are never 100% protected online; you can get attacked within seconds, so it's best for you and your system to have protection, and do not fall for online scams spams and viruses. Before we continue on safety features, it's best for you to know what kind of malicious softwares are out there.

    Malware, short for malicious software, is software used to disrupt computer operation, gather sensitive information, or gain access to private computer systems. It can appear in the form of code,scripts, active content, and other software. 'Malware' is a general term used to refer to a variety of forms of hostile or intrusive software.
    Software such as anti-virus, anti-malware, and firewalls are relied upon by users at home, small and large organizations around the globe to safeguard against malware attacks which helps in identifying and preventing the further spread of malware in the network.
    Malware includes computer virusesransomwarewormstrojan horsesrootkitskeyloggersdialers,spywareadware, malicious BHOsrogue security software and other malicious programs; the majority of active malware threats are usually worms or trojans rather than viruses.In law, malware is sometimes known as a computer contaminant, as in the legal codes of several U.S. states.Malware is different from defective software, which is a legitimate software but contains harmful bugsthat were not corrected before release. However, some malware is disguised as genuine software, and may come from an official company website in the form of a useful or attractive program which has the harmful malware embedded in it along with additional tracking software that gathers marketing statistics.
    For a malicious program to accomplish its goals, it must be able to run without being detected, shut down, or deleted. When a malicious program is disguised as something normal or desirable, users may willfully install it without realizing it. This is the technique of the Trojan horse or trojan. In broad terms, a Trojan horse is any program that invites the user to run it, concealing harmful or malicious code. The code may take effect immediately and can lead to many undesirable effects, such as deleting the user's files or installing additional harmful software.

    Trojan horses

    One of the most common ways that spyware is distributed is as a Trojan horse, bundled with a piece of desirable software that the user downloads from the Internet. When the user installs the software, the spyware is installed along with it. Spyware authors who attempt to act in a legal fashion may include an end-user license agreement that states the behavior of the spyware in loose terms, which users may not read or understand.
    Once a malicious program is installed on a system, it is essential that it stays concealed, to avoid detection. Software packages known asrootkits allow this concealment, by modifying the host's operating system so that the malware is hidden from the user. Rootkits can prevent a malicious process from being visible in the system's list of processes, or keep its files from being read.


    Some malicious programs contain routines to defend against removal, not merely to hide themselves. An early example of this behavior is recorded in the Jargon File tale of a pair of programs infesting a Xerox CP-V time sharing system:
    Each ghost-job would detect the fact that the other had been killed, and would start a new copy of the recently stopped program within a few milliseconds. The only way to kill both ghosts was to kill them simultaneously (very difficult) or to deliberately crash the system.
    backdoor is a method of bypassing normal authentication procedures. Once a system has been compromised, one or more backdoors may be installed in order to allow easier access in the future. Backdoors may also be installed prior to malicious software, to allow attackers entry.
    The idea has often been suggested that computer manufacturers preinstall backdoors on their systems to provide technical support for customers, but this has never been reliably verified. Crackers typically use backdoors to secure remote access to a computer, while attempting to remain hidden from casual inspection. To install backdoors crackers may use Trojan horsesworms, or other methods.

    For my thoughts about HTML Click here

    Monday, November 4, 2013

    Cool Gadgets and programs

    Since your computer is running at its best, you can add some gadgets and simple applications to make your life even easier.

    • If you need an good uninstaller application that scans through everything in your computer in moderate/advanced mode, try "Revo Uninstaller", it's totally free and good to use; really useful to remove spams and scams from your computer.

    • Do you want to know how much an application uses your computer resources, you can go to performance monitor, too long? there is a light weigh CPU measure  tool-gadget that tells you information about how much RAM, CPU cores percentage, Processor  rate, is being used. Click Here to continue; Intel  User? Go their website for full information.

    • Do you like to write HTML/Javascript codes? but you want more advanced application than Notepad or text edit? Well there is an application called Notepad ++ that is specifically is for writing and executing HTML codes.

    Friday, October 25, 2013

    Final Performance Tips

    Performance Tips

    Since we've covered two major parts of how to make your computer run faster and how to make full use of your computer while running an application, such as games; I am going to add any other necessary tips that can effect your system.

    • Make sure your computer doesn't have any ad-ware, scam or malware running. these eat up all of your CPU and RAM and make unnecessary internet traffics.
    • Update your applications/browsers. Basically update anything but unknown programs, ie. random flash update on the internet.
    • Get rid of unnecessarily and unknown folders 
    • Pay attention to your computer score(If you do not have a fixed scoring system look at your computer, is it capable of running heavy programs?) and the amount of heat that your Video card.CPU gives, are they cooperating and is there a coloration? If not then there is a problem inside your computer or fan.
    • Check for any alerts, try to fix them  immediately. 
    • If you are using windows, check action center regularly, to have better understanding of your computers recent action  click the maintenance drop down menu in action center and click we reliability history; that explains how safe is/was your system and what application is causing frequent crash.

    Wednesday, October 16, 2013

    Better system performance II

    Since last time ,you have changed your battery power plan to power saver, you still might have some overheating and slow system problem. So now we are going to change the CPU usage ratio on different battery stages. You have two options, either continue using the original power saver plan, or if you don't want to change the parent plan function you can create a custom plan.

     To start creating your own custom settings go to battery/power options in system  security and look for create your own power plan on the left menu, or click the manual power saver plan.
    After choosing your plan, make any custom changes to the basic options at the center and then look for a link  'change advance power settings'.

    You have plenty of toggle menus to open a specific task, but scroll down and open the 'Processor power management'> Maximum processor state. The initial percentage should be 100%. Decrease the amount your percentage by range of 10~45% (recommended) depending on your desire/system ; you may exceed the given range but you might notice your CPU speed is extremely low.
    Note: You might need to make the Plugged in percentage higher than On Battery since the system is more conformable not running on battery power. 
    •         Now your processor takes more time to run applications but all the alerts/ overheating severity will decrease.
    •  You can make the minimal percentage higher if you have a high standard computer. All the other options could be changed later, but the one that effects the system the most  is the process state that you have just changed.

    Tuesday, October 15, 2013

    'To do list' incidence

    The random post update 'To do list' was a mistake and it should have been placed at the Blog's Overview, which explains the requirements for later posts. Sorry for this Error.

    Thursday, October 10, 2013

    Statement upload

    I have uploaded  the Statement and the term of use of this blog and the October updates, if you had any questions, concerns,please refer to there, and post your thoughts out on the comment section; the link of this statement will be at the bottom of every post. To be directed to the Statement click Here; Also you can go to the updates section to see when are pages are going to be posted and what kind of updates have been occurred to this blog.

    Tuesday, October 8, 2013

    Better Performance I

             For those with capable computers they increased their performance to their next level; but lets say a systems does not have all of those capabilities, meaning extensive CPU heat, system error, low RAM and low W.E.I system Score, so they might want to lower their effects to have a faster and more efficient system for their computer.


      This  is pretty much opposite of the previous Posts with sightly different changes. To start go to Control Panel> system and security>W.E.I> and on the left bar click on advanced tools. Scroll until you See something similar to "adjust performance of Windows". You have few options:
    • Adjust for best performance (least quality/best performance)
    • Windows Choice (best for your system)
    • For best Appearancenot recommended with low scores)

    Now with the V.Effects adjusted go back to system and security then power options; this time click Power saver, this should reduce the battery deduction rate. If you do not like the change go edit your plan or change back to your previous plan. If the changes are at  acceptable level, we will  go into detail that how CPU percentage is used on the battery stages, and how you can decrease the heat and quality and increase the performance of the system.

    Thursday, October 3, 2013

    Smoother Programs II

    So now that you know how to improve your Visual effects, you are going to improve the performance by changing some battery performance. 
    As always you need admin permission, so go to control panel and click on System and security, and look for 'Power Options'. After clicking the link, a window similar to this image should pop up. Click high performance; now your CPU gets the most out of battery, meaning you have the 'best' of your system quality. You might run out of battery  quicker than usual but it's worth it! If you notice some problems and bugs, change it back to normal settings.

    There could be some side effects if the system does not have the requirements  excessive heat from CPU  shorter battery life.
    There are many other ways to improve gaming/programs quality, here's a list of ways you can improve them:

    • Disable your Network connection if you are not playing online.
    • Close any unnecessary and background programs.
    • set your game application setting to the highest
    • De-fragment your hardware;  click Here.
    • Disable your anti-Spyware/Virus* program ONLY for the time when you are running the program.
    • Do not run the game with ISO.  extension , DVD/CD files are more likely boost the quality, if you have ISO. file, burn the image to correct Disc.
    *Important: Disable your Anti-Malware program only when you are sure that your system is entirely clean, and the program that you are using is obtained form a trusted source. Pirated/freeware applications are more likely to have hidden viruses that attack the system whenever no protection is present. Do not disable your Anti-Malware program while you are online with the game or the application, doing this make you more vulnerable from hackers.
    Go back to S.P. I

    Smoother Programs

    On This Post I'm going to talk about how to increase your gaming or programs performance, NOT your CPU/Fan/battery performance, that is for later units. If you are looking for better system response this is not the page for you, but you are welcome to continue reading:

    1. First, let's start by improving the visual effects. Go to Control panel>System and security>Windows Index> Adjust Visual Effects(admin permission needed.).

    2. After clicking, a window should pop up, chose the best performance button or select custom for personal selection, after you have finished, click apply. I normally let system choose for me.
    3. Go to Advanced tab at the top and click adjust performance for programs, then click 'OK'. to see what we are talking about go check out the images.
    Now that we are finished changing the visual effects, we should notice few changes on the system, it has allot better graphic. But you may not see much of a difference either if your system was already set up at a high level program performance. The next post is going to be about changing how your system  is related to your battery, and how is it going to improve your system performance.

    Sunday, September 29, 2013

    Rate Your System II

    1) Go to Control panel
    and click on system and security.
    2) Then check the Windows Experience Index.
    3) your system could be already rated, but if not click rate my system, you need a permission form the system to run this, Click this only if you are the administrator/owner of the computer. NOTE: It's strongly recommended to close any other applications before running this program, this may cause the system to overheat.

    After the process is complete, some numbers should come up, these numbers mean that what are the capability and how well can your system can handle programs. The higher the score is the better/smoother your system can run. Base score, which is your minimum Subscore, determines what is the maximum performance that you system could do, always purchase applications with lower score than base score. If your score is 1.5~2.7 you should be fine running basic features, but for more features you will probably need a score of 3.5 or higher; I personally recommend purchase computers with a score of 4.0 or higher. 
    Note:If you already have run the test, there is no other need to re-run the assessment unless you have changed some important parts of your computer.

    Now that you know  your score, let's see how you can know what an application minimum and recommended requirement is. I'm going to go to start menu> Games>and click your specified game one-click ONLY, now click the Performance icon and compare the ratings. If your application is a copied form, the ratings may not show up.
    For previous chapter click here.
    **This is post is only about a way to detect your computes capability, there are other ways to detect, by knowing your RAM, Processor,Video card and more, the information above may not be completely accurate, for more information contact a professional.**

    Thursday, September 26, 2013

    Rate your computer. Vista/7

    Lets backup from making better performance for a while. Lets say you have an outstanding computer abilities, but you don't know it! With knowing what abilities your computer you could hold you can know what games/applications to run. To run these programs smoothly you need to have four great-quality items. CPU whee how fast your computer could calculate per second. low cpu leads to overheating  computer and may damage the system. RAM Which holds the memory of all application running at that time, Video card to run games smoothly, low quietly video cards cannot even load graphic consuming games, and last but not least, at least 100GB of hard drive. if your computer is less than 15% free, the system might become corrupt and loss some of its data, For more info about these devices click here. There is an program pre-installed on your windows WEI which cam determines your computers performance on programs.
          To start rating your system, go to control panel > system and security> view amount of of ram and processor speed and click on windows experience/ or rate my system. You might need to be the administrator of the computer. Do Not try this at public computers. This  could take about 3~5 minutes and could be a heavy process, so do not run any other applications while this is processing. You should get a score of your computes performance. Your score will be determined by the lowest of them(meaning thats the maximum quality that your computer could hold) And will be known as Subscore.

    • There will be a lot of differences between the WEI in Windows Vista and Windows 7, but you can still use the score as a guideline for upgrading. When reviewing your score, keep these things in mind:
      • If your overall WEI score is 2.0 or higher, you should be able to run Windows 7 reasonably well — although Glass will turn on only if the score is higher.
        You need a considerably higher score if you’re going to use the PC for heavy graphics or gaming. But a 2.0 is fine for Web browsing, light word processing, and the like.
    • If your Graphics score (the one marked Desktop Performance for Windows Aero) is 3.0 or higher, Windows 7 will turn on its Glass interface.
    • When you want to play games always look at the minimum and the recommended  scoring of it. If it's lower than your subs-core you are allowed to play, otherwise your system cannot load the game.

    So now that we know what your system could do, we can now change the setting on your computer to run games better or have a smoother performance, but we will start with better quality then perofmance. To Continue click here.

    Tuesday, September 24, 2013

    Private links and Overview

    There are some pages that are hidden and only accessible through links; you might miss them thinking they are another website; video tutorials are primarily in private links, so if the link stated it's going to show more info(Visual) then it's probably part of "Virtual World's" blog, unless otherwise stated. To access of all of the links, click here to continue!

               Another topic to cover is about "Blog Overview", B.O. page talks about different updates/Version that occurred to this blog, and visitors have a basic idea of what has been updated. If they don't like it, they can ask the owner to change or remove it. The layout of that page has been more organized and more advanced. Feel free to visit there anytime you want. 

    Monday, September 23, 2013

    Drive Clean Up!

    What's up guys, M.E. here. Last time I've talked about How to sort out your drive components, defragmentation, and this time I'm going to show how to clean up your drive, and get rid of unnecessary files! For Video Tutorial Click here!

              Disk Clean up, as shown above, scans trough computer and collects any unnecessary or unused file, so it might be a useful program to clean some mega/giga-bytes of file up.
             To Start you need administrative permission to continue. If you are at public computer or a user at home PC, it's recommended to do NOT run this task unless you have the permission to do so.

    1. To start go to start menu, Control Panel, system and security, administrative tools, and you should see a link named "free up disk space"
    2. Run the program, depending on your computer this will take about 1~4 minutes.
    3. After the process is complete, check/uncheck the folders that you wish to be removed. I will be explaining each shortly:
    • Temporary files must be deleted if you constantly using file sharing web site, or infected sites. If else they are good to stay. 
    • Game statics are records of your score and the level you are, delete this if you want to reset the scores or if you REALLY need space ( They are usually KB in weight).
    • Recycle been can be deleted manually, only check this box if you know what is in recycle been and you want to remove it.
    • Temporary files are safe to delete, is they are not modified within a week.
    • Thumbnails- Windows obtains a copy of the image/music/video when it has been opened, this makes the system easier to load the file. If you remove this, eventually, windows will restore files later as you open media/ ect. It's only recommended that you had large amounts of media deleted, so there is no use for the computer to store the.( this will free 20kb~1GB of space). 
    • The rest are either created by windows/ or is not visible to most of the computers, normally there is description under each subject. check them Wisely and under your own responsibility!   
         4.    After checking the boxes click remove files!
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      More Info on files:
      • Temporary Setup Files - These are files that were created by a Setup program that is no longer running.
      • Downloaded Program Files - Downloaded program files are ActiveX controls and Java programs that are downloaded automatically from the Internet when you view certain pages. These files are temporarily stored in the Downloaded Program Files folder on the hard disk. This option includes a View Files button so that you can see the files before Disk Cleanup removes them. The button opens the C:\Winnt\Downloaded Program Files folder.
      • Temporary Internet Files - The Temporary Internet Files folder contains Web pages that are stored on your hard disk for quick viewing. Disk Cleanup removes these page but leaves your personalized settings for Web pages intact. This option also includes a View Files button, which opens the C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5 folder.
      • Old Chkdsk Files - When Chkdsk checks a disk for errors, Chkdsk might save lost file fragments as files in the root folder on the disk. These files are unnecessary.
      • Recycle Bin - The Recycle Bin contains files that you have deleted from the computer. These files are not permanently removed until you empty the Recycle Bin. This option includes a View Files button that opens the Recycle Bin.
      • Temporary Files - Programs sometimes store temporary information in a Temp folder. Before a program quits, the program usually deletes this information. You can safely delete temporary files that have not been modified within the last week.
      • Temporary Offline Files - Temporary offline files are local copies of recently used network files. These files are automatically cached so that you can use them after you disconnect from the network. A View Files button opens the Offline Files folder.
      • Offline Files - Offline files are local copies of network files that you specifically want to have available offline so that you can use them after you disconnect from the network. A View Files button opens the Offline Files folder.
      • Compress Old Files - Windows can compress files that you have not used recently. Compressing files saves disk space, but you can still use the files. No files are deleted. Because files are compressed at different rates, the displayed amount of disk space that you will gain is approximate. An Options button permits you to specify the number of days to wait before Disk Cleanup compresses an unused file.
      • Catalog Files for the Content Indexer - The Indexing service speeds up and improves file searches by maintaining an index of the files that are on the disk. These Catalog files remain from a previous indexing operation and can be deleted safely.

      Friday, September 20, 2013


            Have your computer ever gotten to the point that it just so slow, that it takes years to just load a file? 

      There are many ways to improve your computer's speed, but we'll just start off of, de-fragmentation.  Imagine that you moved into a new empty apartment. You buy stuff for the apartment, furniture, utensils, food, etc. But every time you buy something, you move it all in the living room until the living room is full. Then you move new stuff into the kitchen, and when full, move new stuff into the bedroom. If you're hungry, you may have to go to the living searching for food and sometimes the bedroom. You might have to search for spices in the bathroom. Nothing is organized. When you defragment, you organize the apartment so that the food items are all in the kitchen, TV and electronics in the living room, etc. Next time you need to make food, everything will be in the kitchen, close to you; no searching around and no extra walking around to other rooms. You can imagine that each room in your apartment is a computer program. It'll run quicker if all the pieces of the program is next to each other, not spread out across your hard drive. To start go to This page.
      For some reason the quality is low, next time I will upload directly from YouTube. Sorry for the voice, it was First commentary!

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