Hello Everyone, I hope everyone had a good spring break, Or at least amazing year[for those who don't have spring break] so far.
Aside from that it's[was] spring break, the Persian new year is also near, or march 20th first day of spring.
Anyways happy new year to anyone that celebrates 'Eid`e Norouz' and all Iranians and Farsi speakers:
" Norouzetan Mobarak"
- Here's a link to New-year
probably expired after the twenty first]
Lets get to the topic, I've founded a great website for those who are interested to know more about programming. Sure it may seem simple but it's a great way to start your skills from there.
Code.org is absolutely free.
Sorry if this post seemed short, however more are coming late March, Expect
PVC next week! Happy Holidays and Norouz!